Fritz Nelius

Fritz Nelius has served on the Ag Workers Board of Directors since 1994 and its executive committee since 1996. He is presently the vice chairman of the board.

Nelius obtained his degree in political science from Texas A&M University in 1976. He has a wealth of experience in the ag industry, including 34 years of service in the U.S. Department of Agriculture for the Farm Service Agency (FSA). While at FSA, he progressed from field reporter to district director, accumulating numerous awards and merits for his performance.

His additional credentials include being a district director of TASCOE (Texas Association of FSA County Office Employees), treasurer, president, and vice president of the Bellville Lions Club, board member of the Economic Development Council of Bellville, and member of the Ag Committee for the Austin County Appraisal District.

Nelius is a proud Bellville, Texas native. He has shared 29 years of marriage with his wife, Sandra, raising four children and enjoying the company of their four grandchildren. Beyond his professional pursuits, he finds relaxation in spending time with his grandkids, traveling, and a leisurely round of golf.